technical import

英 [ˈteknɪkl ˈɪmpɔːt] 美 [ˈteknɪkl ˈɪmpɔːrt]

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  1. The construction, installation, assembly, maintenance and repair or technical assistance expenses incurred after the import of such goods as factory buildings, machinery or equipment, with the exception of warranty expenses;
  2. Inspection, appraisal and certification on consignment of quality, specifications, quantity, weight, package, damage, value and technical conditions of shipment of import and export commodities.
  3. The corporation has the advanced technics and detect equipments, abundant technical power, very moral employees and the self-support rights to import and export.
  4. The existence of divergent national or regional standards can create technical barriers to trade, even when there is political agreement to do away with restrictive import quotas and the like.
  5. Some are technical: IFRS allows fewer securitised assets to be kept off the books than GAAP does, for instance-a matter of import for banks.
  6. True Honest is a company specializing in research and development, manufacture and technical support, import and export of electronic products.
  7. The EU and us have been working hard at a technical level in recent weeks to reach agreement, but differences remain between them on cuts in subsidies and import tariffs.
  8. It also entertains requests from the Trade Department for technical advice regarding applications for import/ export licence of strategic commodities.
  9. Study on How to Break Technical Trade Barrier for Import& Export in China
  10. To increase technical competence and to import advanced technology;
  11. Technical Import of Dongfang 600 MW Thermal Power Generating Units
  12. The technical measures exceeding reasonable scale restrict the normal import of foreign goods and hinder the development of international trade.
  13. This paper mainly introduces the working-principle and the types of the automatic recirculation valve for pump protection, introduces some technical ameliorative measures relative to the import valve. At last, indicates it's application prospect.
  14. Technical Status Quo of Film Capacitors in China Development at Factory No 794 Technique Import and R& D
  15. A specialized technical service provider, China National Instruments Import and Export ( Group) Corp. ( INSTRIMPEX) is dedicated to product post-sale service business for foreign manufacturers.
  16. Abstract Problem of vacuum pump's matching was discussed, improve the design of heating cover, use the especial method for controlling multiple temperature, the result of action displays that this equipment accords with technical request and can substitute for import.
  17. By reviewing the history of technical translation in China, this paper maintains that a rising economic construction gives birth to technical translation in large scale in China, which upsurges with technical import nationwide.
  18. This paper introduces the technical reform of operation interface with Chinese for the import dynamic truck scale and the programming technique.
  19. The result of analysis provided technical basis for setting the priority in the microbiological examination of import/ export foods.
  20. Point out that in the era of knowledge-driven economy, the speed of the technical development is faster and faster, Lean isolated technology import, technology transformation against only, technological innovation can't catch up with development steps of scientific and technical innovation already.
  21. Utilization and Import of Foreign Capital to Promote Railway Science and Technical Progress-A Good Attempt of Utilizing Foreign Capital to Import Overseas Advanced Technical Equipment to Harbin-Dalian Railway
  22. How to break the technical barriers, theoretically reflected in national policy formulation and adjustment of production enterprises to improve technology, but in fact they are reflected in the import and export commodities inspection and quarantine system, management, technology applications, and other sectors.
  23. The Technical Improvement of Timing System of Import Stocking Machine
  24. On the Variation and Influence of Our Country's Technical Import/ Export
  25. For the relative backward area, bigger advantage can be taken by the use of international technology, so the technical overflow of technology import is stronger, which is helpful to realize the convergence.
  26. Technology overflow pathway include: competitive effects, transmission effects, secondary effects of dry, technical training effect. Factors influence the technological spillovers of import trade are mainly FDI, R& D, human capital level, the structure of import trade regime of patent protection.
  27. The manifestation of Sino-Japanese trade friction was the technical trade protectionism primarily, simultaneously accompanied by the intellectual disputes, the urgent import restrictions, counter-dumping.
  28. Then the paper group the 28 manufacturing industries by industry technical standards and industry size, do cointegration test separately. The regression results of industry groups shows that the import and export trade have a different influence on productivity growth in different sectors.
  29. Abroad research in this technical field start very early, now, home ultra fine wire market of welding wire is monopolized by abroad business, tin base ultra fine wire product is major dependent on import.
  30. Chapter 4 analyzes effects of the technical barriers to trade from the sides of both theoretical and empirical analysis of the economic. This paper considers the effects of the measures for the import and export between short-term and long-term effects different.